Love our interest rate, but this house doesn’t fit our needs anymore

Does this quote apply to you? If so, you’re not alone. Many people want to move but feel locked-in by their low mortgage rate. It’s difficult to time exactly when things will really shift, but as I explain in this month’s flyer, there can be a price to pay when you put off your decision to buy or sell.

I’m also sharing with you some easy ways to enhance your home’s interior and exterior. Not only does a tidy home increase its overall value, but it also helps to reduce stress, leaves you less overwhelmed and can improve relationships with family and neighbors.

It can be fun to look at your home with a fresh eye and do some sprucing-up projects yourself. But if you need the name of a qualified professional for any type of work outside of your wheelhouse, let me know and I’ll connect you to one.

Happy Spring!

Oh, by the way®… if you know of someone thinking of buying or selling a home who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and contact information.

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