9 Ways To Organize Your Bedroom This Summer

The most organized and serene rooms all have several things in common: lighting, storage, minimal decor, furniture, and organizational prowess. One thing you will never find in a serene room is clutter. When you organize your spaces, you systematically organize your life. Whether you are going to sleep at night or getting up in the morning, a little organization can go a long way to improve your overall health and well-being. You don’t have to be the Home Edit or Marie Kondo to make some very tactical changes to your bedroom and that is why we are sharing several ways you can declutter and destress your bedroom this summer:

  1. Use Your Under-Bed Space – We all know the ultimate best spot to store items is under your bed because it is easily accessible, but not visible. Whether it is items such as gift wrap, extra bed sheets, books, or seasonal items, you can fit them perfectly under your bed with a rolling storage container or drawer. This can help maintain the clutter and free up space in your bedroom.
  2. Put Artwork on the Walls – Any pieces of art or decor (if at all possible) should be hung on the wall to clear space and allow for the room to have a cleaner atmosphere.
  3. Organize the Room in Sections – Try not to tackle your entire bedroom all at once, instead, divide the room and create a system of organization. Organize your closet as one project, then move to armoires, dressers, drawers, and wardrobes. Next, organize flat areas like the tops of dressers and night tables, as well as any bookcases that maybe in your bedroom. Leave the under-bed area and any extra storage around the house for last, so that you can know exactly what can and should be stored for later use.
  4. Declutter Closets – Even if your bedroom is spotless, your closet can quickly disrupt the calm, serene state of your bedroom. A cluttered closet can translate to a longer morning routine, and added frustration getting out the door. Reduce the get-to-work tension by tackling your closet. First, tidy up, either by doing a full closet organization or a quick closet clutter sweep. Incorporate a storage system and donate any unneeded items or items you have not worn in over a year.
  5. Store Blankets Your Blankets – If you have a ton of blankets, throws, and quilts that you use regularly—and you have the floor space—consider a small chest at the end of your bed or blanket rack. You can find either of these items at any thrift store for a reasonable price. This will allow “turn down” at night to be done with ease, plus, you won’t be tempted to just throw everything on the floor.
  6. Place Pillows in Baskets – Throw pillows make a comfortable bed, so more throw pillows make a bed more comfortable, right? Well, that is until you have to find a place for all of the pillows when it is time to actually use the bed at night. Utilizing baskets to contain decorative pillows while you’re washing, cleaning, or using your bed can help contain the clutter.
  7. Create a Functional, Clutter-Free Nightstand – Rather than re-cluttering your bedroom by adding a desk, choose a night table that suits your needs while taking up as little space as possible. A small dresser where you can store some clothing is a great space-saving trick that many professional organizers employ with clients who are living in tight quarters. If you don’t have room for a small dresser, try a slim night table with lots of drawers.
  8. Have a Place for Dirty Clothes – A hamper, either in the closet, next to the closet, or near the closet, will help clothes stay contained without spilling out all over your bedroom. You can choose one that blends in with your decor, or you can just use a basic hamper.
  9. Have a Place for Trash – A small, attractive garbage bin kept in the bedroom can provide you with a spot to throw tissues, scraps of paper, and all the other small pieces of trash that make their way into your bedroom. Look for a small bathroom-size trash can. Anything larger will be noticeable in a bedroom. The smaller the trash bin, the easier it is to stick it under a nightstand or discretely beside a dresser. Maintaining your Mess Once you have cleaned your room, it can be easy to brush your hands off, pat yourself on the back, and allow your bedroom to retract into a clutter-filled mess. Instead, set up a cleaning schedule for (at least) once per month with a larger renovation scheduled twice per year to maintain your clutter and keep your spaces looking fresh. Make it easy on yourself by following a cleaning schedule, either by season, by date (such as your birthday or New Year’s), or by event. Once you set up a routine and follow it, your need for finding this article will be obsolete and we hope that is the goal! Happy Summer Cleaning! Ian Perler Team

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